A custom product uniquely designed for the small farm coverage of your home, farm structures, personal farm property, farm mobile equipment, and liability exposures.
Advantages and options of a Farmowners Policy
Designed for farmers by a farmer-owned cooperative
The convenience of one policy, one agent, one premium
Flexible premium payment options
Package policy eliminates gaps
Broad coverages customized to your individual needs
Replacement cost on dwellings and contents
Replacement cost on qualified superior, modern construction outbuildings
Dairymen’s and poultryman’s * loss of income coverage
Farm extra expense coverage
Advantages and options of a Countrywide Insurance Farmowners Policy
Your Policy Can include equipment breakdown insurance as part of our farm owners’ policy. This protects the kind of critical farm equipment that helps today’s farms meet the increased pressure for high efficiency and output. And it protects the equipment that runs their homes, too. Today’s farm equipment contains sensitive hi-tech components that are prone to breakdown. And, conventional machinery is being pushed to the limit, making it more vulnerable to breakdown. It’s no surprise that breakdowns have become more common.
Farm and Home Equipment covered includes:
Electrical distribution systems
Boilers and pressure vessels
Healing and cooling systems
Refrigeration systems
Business computers
Deep well pumps and motors
Center pivot irrigation equipment
Emergency generators
Critical home equipment
Grain dryers
Milking machines
Ventilation fans
Bulk milk storage tanks
Mechanized feed, waste, and egg handling equipment
Covered risks include:
Mechanical breakdown
Electrical short circuit
Pressure vessel bulging, cracking, and collapse
Breakdown of business computers and data restoration
Resulting in utility service interruption